The Pleasure of Seeing. Conversations with Joel Meyerowitz on sixty years in the life of photography

Joel Meyerowitz is one of the pioneers of color photography, as well as an essential reference figure for street photography, large-format photography, and portraits. ‘The Pleasure of Seeing. Conversations with Joel Meyerowitz on sixty years in the life of photography’ is his first biography, the book offers a look behind the scenes of the life and career of one of America’s photographic living legends. In conversation with historian and photographer Lorenzo Braca, Meyerowitz speaks vividly about his beginnings, studying art history, meeting Robert Frank, photographing on the streets of New York City with Tony Ray-Jones and Garry Winogrand, traveling extensively across America and Europe, learning from John Szarkowski, director of photography at MoMA, working on numerous exhibitions and publications, photographing at Ground Zero in 2001 and 2002, and about the most recent still lifes and self-portraits projects.

The Pleasure of Seeing. Conversations with Joel Meyerowitz on sixty years in the life of photography
Joel Meyerowitz and Lorenzo Braca
21.59 x 29.21 cm

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