The Dazed Decades: Rankin 1990-2016

Thursday 11 May 2023
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
29 ARTS IN PROGRESS gallery, G27, Pavilion
1991 saw the publication of the first-ever issue of the iconic fashion and culture magazine DAZED & CONFUSED. A publication which has led and defined tastes for over three decades, its visual iconography is known world over.
Co-founder and DAZED’s first Photographic Editor, Rankin set the visual tone the magazine is now known for. Internationally recognised as one of the UK’s leading photographers, it was during THE DAZED DECADES where he honed his craft.
Rankin’s works from this period form a manifesto about how to view the world, a political statement communicated not with words but with a camera lens. So here we explore five rules for viewing and acting. Across our chapters, FEEL IT, TV IS BORING, EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES, ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS, and MAKING IT UP AS WE GO ALONG, we share with you Rankin’s way of being.
Part self-help, part provocation, across over 200 images THE DAZED DECADES is a map for existence expressed through popular culture.