Tom Faber with Saras Rachupalli

Thursday 9 September 2021
6:30 pm -
KOVET.ART BOOTH D09, Photo London, Somerset House
Strand, London WC2R 1LA

‘Photogram’, Tom Faber, 2021

Join us at the Kovet.Art Booth D09 (Discovery Section) on Thursday 9th September at for an Artist Talk with Tom Faber, Artist at Kovet.Art and Saras Rachupalli, CEO & Founder of Kovet.Art. This is a 10 minute Q&A session from 6:30pm-6:40pm BST.

Faber will discuss new works displayed at Photo London, created during the pandemic using experimental techniques and how he incorporates narratives of memory and escapism into his works. His influences and inspirations and how his artistic practice developed after undergraduate degree in Art History at Cambridge University.

 The audience is welcome to ask questions.