Photo London Live: artist Douglas Mandry & Eugénie Shinkle in conversation

© Douglas Mandry. Roseg 2020. Series Monuments Courtesy-Gallery Bildhalle.
Friday 16 October, 6 pm BST on the Photo London Instagram channel, @photolondonfair.Free, no registration required.
Bildhalle presents artist Douglas Mandry in conversation with Eugénie Shinkle, Reader in Photography School of Media, Art and Design University of Westminster. There will be a Q&A at the end of the live conversation.
Douglas Mandry won the prestigious ‘Foam Talent Award 2020’ it for his series ‘Monuments’, presented by Bildhalle at Photo London Digital. The series reflects a relationship between technological evolution and climate change. Collecting images of glaciers taken in the early 20th century, Douglas Mandry transferred them onto actual pieces of geotextile, which have themselves been brought down from the Alps after a season on the ice. Through the antique process of lithography, a double-exposure phenomenon occurs: the images, fading memories of the golden age in Switzerland‘s tourism, become a part of the today’s technological attempts to preserve the past which no longer exists.
Meanwhile, Douglas Mandry travelled deep into the Swiss Alps, collecting pieces of ice protected by man-made geotextile fabrics. The blocks of ice are inserted in a self-made large format camera containing photosensitive colour paper. Using specific aperture shutters pierced in the wooden camera, the light is conducted through the ice directly onto the paper. As an outcome, a trace of the melting ice left on the paper is developed in a dark room sometimes several days later. Thereby the process of disappearance is recorded photographically.