Site Rules
Photo London 2021
Please read and familiarise yourself with the following Site Rules and Emergency Procedures.
All staff present during the Build-up & Breakdown Phase of Photo London 2021 must read and understood their company’s Photo London Risk Assessment before commencing work.
If you do not understand or object to any part of this document, please discuss the matter with the staff member conducting your induction.
- You are expected to comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation, guidance and best practice.
- You are responsible for the Health and Safety of yourself and of others who may be affected by your acts or omissions at work.
- Know who your supervisor is and how they can be contacted. I you are unsure who your supervisor is speak with the Photo London Production Manager.
- During the Build Up and Break Down phases, members of the public will not be permitted access to the work site (i.e. the hired area) on grounds of safety.
- During the Build Up and Break Down phases parts of Somerset House will remain open to the public, members of the public will continue to access these parts of the venue during the Build-up & Breakdown Phase. Be aware of public visitors while working in public areas.
- Be aware of the boundaries between the site (i.e. the hired area) were members of the public should not be present and public areas. The Courtyard site will be delineated by fencing erected by a fencing contractor, and using the natural boundaries of the site (permanent fencing and balustrades) where appropriate.
- No children under the age of 16 are permitted on site during the Build-up & Breakdown Phase.
- Seek guidance from their supervisor if you are uncertain whether it is safe to do something or whether you are suitably trained to do an activity.
- Comply with any and all requests from the Photo London Production Team and your supervisor.
- All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to your supervisor who must then note the item in the Accident Log Book
- Do not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Any breach of this will result in immediate removal from site.
- Know where to obtain medical assistance, the location of the nearest First Aid Box (, and where the fire exits and fire call points are located.
- Fire Extinguishers are available inside the building and in the Pavilion.
- Any work at height – even at low levels – must be carried out safely. Steps and ladders must be secure and particular care taken to avoid over-reaching or leaning.
- Hard hats must be worn when there is a risk of injury from falling materials or equipment. Know the mandatory hardhat zones. If you are unsure of the mandatory hardhat zones speak with your supervisor.
- NO headphones on site.
- NO photography or uploading images to social media while on site without written permission from the Photo London Production Manager.
- NO smoking inside the venue and temporary structures, it is only permitted in designated external smoking areas.
- Pay attention and adhere to health and safety signage e.g. Hard hat areas, machinery in operation, no smoking areas or the use of harnesses at height
- Be aware of other contractors working, e.g. overhead work or incomplete structures
- All contractors and exhibitors must adhere to the site operating hours. No prolongation will be allowed without written permission from the Production Manager. If you are not aware of the operating hours, ask your supervisor.
- Noise levels must not disturb Somerset House tenants and members of the public at any time. Consult your supervisor for authorization before commencing unplanned noisy work.
- No contractor is allowed to bring any substances hazardous to health near or on site without prior consultation and written agreement in advance from the Production Manager.
- Only personnel from contractors carrying out an activity in the pavilion are allowed in the pavilion during Build-Up & Breakdown Phase.
- Comply with current Government Guidelines and in regards to COVID-19 at all times.
Emergency Procedures
- In the event of a medical emergency please notify the nearest member of staff with a radio or call the number above. Walking wounded can be escorted to the First Aid Point at the Security Control Room were First Aid will be administered. Ask a member of Security to be taken to Security Control Room.
- In the event of a fire, raise the alarm, look out for the nearest call sign.
- There are three main Evacuation Assembly Points located in different areas of Somerset House: The Upper Terrace (Pavilion, East, West and New Wing), the River Terrace (VIP Area, Annex, Seamen’s Hall), and Great Arch Victoria Embankment Level (Mezzanine, Discovery, Embankment Galleries, Great Arch Hall, Screening Room)
- On arrival at the assembly point, check in with your supervisor for rota call.
- Keep all access routes clear for the emergency services.
- Hi-vis vest and steel toe cap footwear MUST be worn at all times while work is being carried out during Build Up and Break Down Phase.
- Appropriate PPE must be worn to carry out your job, seek advice from your supervisor if in doubt
- The site office will declare certain areas ‘hard hat areas’ at certain times, of the construction phases. Please ensure that you have hard hats onsite.
- Be aware of moving vehicles whilst they are working and use the pedestrian routes around the Courtyard as far as reasonably practicable
- Private vehicles are not allowed onsite.
- Drivers must follow the directions of traffic marshals and use seatbelts at all times. No use of mobile phones whilst driving, and remain responsible for their vehicle at all times.
- DO NOT unload lorries or bank vehicles unless you have been trained to do so.
- Respect the 5mph speed limit throughout the site
- Give way to pedestrians at pedestrian crossing points on the Upper Terrace.
- Once offloaded all vehicles must leave site immediately unless otherwise agreed with the Operations Team
Fork Lifts and other Plant use
- Your supervisor MUST present your licensee to Photo London Production Manager prior to work commencing onsite. If you are unsure if this has been done, consult with your supervisor.
- Daily Checks of plant should be recorded
- DO NOT leave keys in plant or machinery that is not in use.
- Forks must be lowered when the truck is not in use.
Ladders & Work at Height
- You or your supervisor must complete a Working at Height Risk Assessment before working above 300cm from the floor.
- Keep three points of contact on a ladder at all times, that the ladder is correctly rated for the task and is set up on steady, even ground.
- Make sure you use a harness, fall arrest, or other appropriate safety device when working at height from access machinery.
Hot Work and Sawing
- No Hot Work on-site without a Hot Work permit issued by the Operations or Site Manager.
- Sawing and cutting anywhere in the venue and temporary structures must be done on dust sheets, and debris cleaned up afterwards.
- No sawing of MDF should be done in the structures or in enclosed spaces without ventilation and control measures in place.
House Keeping
- Please tidy any waste resulting from your activities into the recycling or waste disposal areas provided on site.
- Ensure cables and other trip hazards are managed effectively to ensure walkways are kept hazard free.
- Painters must supply their own equipment for brush cleaning. No brushes to be cleaned in lavatories. No spraying without prior submission or relevant Risk Assessment
- Fire exits, directional signage and aisles must be kept clear at all times.
Somerset House
- You are required to abide by any instructions or restrictions imposed by safety signs displayed at Somerset House.
- Contractors must not sit on or place objects on the balustrades surrounding the main courtyard and river terrace. There is a deep well (7m) behind each balustrade.
- No fluids may be discharged into the fountain drainage system around the courtyard.
- Nothing must be fixed onto the outer or inner fabric of the building without prior consent from venue which can be gained through Photo London’s Production Team.
Welfare & First Aid
- All accidents must be reported to the Production Office and recorded in the Accident Log Book.
- During the Build Up and Break Down phases, a fully stocked first aid container will be available onsite in the Production Office, New Wing and all crew shall be made aware of its location. The Somerset House Security Contractor (Corps Security) shall provide first aid trained staff, (defined as staff member with a H&S First Aid at Work certified) one of which will be onsite at all times. It is anticipated that suppliers with a large number of crew on site may also have at least one member of their crew who is first aid trained. First Aid will be administer at the Security Control room if needed.
Actions on Discovery of Fire
- Raise the alarm by pressing the nearest fire alarm call point and calling security control.
- Tackle the fire with an extinguisher if trained to do so.
- If you cannot contain the fire, close the door to the room or the affected area and evacuate the building following the instructions as for hearing the evacuation alarm.
Actions on Hearing the Evacuation Alarm – Continuous Siren
The Evacuation Alarm is a Continuous Siren played throughout the building.
- Evacuate the building via your nearest available fire exit.
- Do not use lifts. Do not call Security Control
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
- Proceed to your primary assembly point (see attached plan).
- Remain at the assembly point – do not re-enter the building until told to do so by a Fire Marshal or Security Officer.
- Fire Marshals have all received special evacuation training and can be identified by the wearing of orange Fire Marshal vests. Please comply with their directives as they are there to assist in the safe evacuation of the building.
- Nobody should enter the building when the fire evacuation alarm is sounding.
Out of Office Hours
On hearing the fire alarm, evacuate the building immediately via the nearest available fire exit. Do not rely on Fire Marshals or Security to assist you. Proceed to the assembly point.
- Do not touch it.
- Move persons away from the object.
- Immediately contact Security and relay all information.
Depending on the nature of the incident an assessment will be made as to the course of action to be taken. This action may to either evacuate the building via designated exits or to remain within the building away from the incident.
First Aid – First Aid is provided by trained first aiders within Somerset House’s Security Team, please ask a member of the Somerset House or Photo London team know if you need assistance.
Fire Alarm System – The fire alarm system comprises of smoke/heat detectors positioned at ceiling level and manual activated fire alarm call points positioned throughout the building. Activation of either device will sound a siren indicating that all persons should evacuate the building.
Fire Alarm Testing – The fire alarm will be tested weekly on Mondays at 9:30am. Should the alarm sound for a long period on test mornings, you should evacuate the building immediately.
Evacuation Drills – Evacuation drills will be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that all staff are familiar with the fire and emergency procedures of the building.
Disabled Persons – If you are disabled or temporarily disabled you should contact the Estates department who will assist you in putting together a workplace assessment to ensure an adequate evacuation plan is in place
Fire Doors – Fire doors are an important part of the buildings fire precautionary installations. The two functions of a fire door are:
- To compartment the building and prevent the spread of fire.
- To provide a safe means of escape for those persons evacuating the building.
Please do not leave them open.
I have received, read and understood the Site Rules.
By signing the below, I agree to abide by the Site Rules, all safety resources provided to me and onsite safety signage, and I will comply with my company’s Risk Assessment at all times.
I will not interfere with or misuse any safety equipment provided for my and others safety.