Bildhalle was founded in 2013 by Mirjam Cavegn in Zurich. Since its foundation, it has quickly become one of the most respected galleries for photography in Switzerland, acting within the long-standing Swiss
tradition of photography and its promotion as an artistic medium. Bildhalle represents outstanding artists in traditional and contemporary photography.
In 2020, Bildhalle opened a gallery space in Amsterdam and a year later, sealed this bold leap by launching a second location in the Dutch capital, thus consolidating its strong position in the Dutch and European
markets. In Amsterdam, Bildhalle presents a well-curated selection of Dutch and international artists.
In the interplay between selected established photographers of the twentieth century and those of a younger generation who are expanding the medium, Bildhalle’s ambitious gallery program aims to exert
a positive influence on the reception and recognition of artistic photography through solo and group exhibitions, participation in international art fairs and the publication of high quality photobooks.