Yorgos Lanthimos: i shall sing these songs beautifully

i shall sing these songs beautifully
by Yorgos Lanthimos

Yorgos Lanthimos’s filmography, lauded for its ambitious world-building and absurdist explorations of human relations, has established him as one of the most distinctive auteurs in contemporary cinema. i shall sing these songs beautifully draws on his renowned visual language to tell a haunting new story through photographs Lanthimos made on the set of his latest feature, Kinds of Kindness (2024), inhabiting an ambiguous space between the real locations of New Orleans and the otherworld of cinema.

Interwoven throughout are new texts by Lanthimos which evoke the fragmented lyricism of Sappho, from whose poetry the book takes its title.

Published by Mack
Embossed hardback with tipped-in image
21 x 24 cm, 112 pages
November 2024

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